Purchase Tickets for
6:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. • Montrose Pavilion
Benefiting HopeWest Montrose
For more information or questions, contact Kelly at (970) 497-5200, KThompson@HopeWestCO.org, or Julie at (970) 497-5203, JDisher@HopeWestCO.org.
Thank You Generous Underwriters!
The Parish & The Heather Hodges Family
in Memory of Frank & Judy Parish and Sterling L. Hodges
Crippin Funeral Home
David and Gaynelle Mize
City of Montrose
TEI Rock Drills
Al and Sandy Head
Alpine Bank
Bank of Colorado
DWC CPAs and Advisors
D’Medici Footwear & Clothing/Colorado-ology/Holiday Gifts & Home Décor
Edward Jones
First Contact Medical Specialists
Hartman Brothers
Montrose Police Department
Montrose Regional Health
Stryker and Company, Inc.
Timberline Bank
US Bank
Vectra Bank
Western Slope Orthopaedics
Western Skyways, Inc.